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25 abilities total. Also browse abilities by family.

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1-25 of 25
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Alpha Strike
Alpha Strike

100% Hit Chance 


Boldly attack, dealing 295 Flying damage plus 197 Flying damage if the user strikes first.

Vs. Aquatic

Vs. Dragonkin
Arcane Barrage
Arcane Barrage

100% Hit Chance 


Barrage the enemy 1-2 times, dealing 197 Magic damage per hit.


Hits an additional time if the user attacks first.

Vs. Flying

Vs. Mechanical
Arcane Slash
Arcane Slash

100% Hit Chance 


Rushes the enemy, dealing 354 Magic damage, or 492 Magic damage if the user strikes first.

Vs. Flying

Vs. Mechanical
3 Round Cooldown

100% Hit Chance 


Performs a flip, dealing 295 Humanoid damage.


Interrupts the opponent's round if the user goes first.

Vs. Dragonkin

Vs. Beast

100% Hit Chance 


Smacks the enemy 1-2 times, dealing 197 Mechanical damage per smack.


Hits an additional time if the user attacks first.

Vs. Beast

Vs. Elemental

100% Hit Chance 


Pummels the enemy 1-2 times, dealing 197 Humanoid damage per hit.


Hits an additional time if the user attacks first.

Vs. Dragonkin

Vs. Beast

100% Hit Chance 


Pummels the enemy 1-2 times, dealing 197 Humanoid damage per hit.


Hits an additional time if the user attacks first.

Vs. Dragonkin

Vs. Beast
Fire Quills
Fire Quills

100% Hit Chance 


Flings 1-2 fiery quills at the enemy, dealing 197 Elemental damage per hit.


Hits an additional time if the user attacks first.

Vs. Mechanical

Vs. Critter

100% Hit Chance 


Flanks the enemy 1-2 times, dealing 197 Critter damage per hit.


Hits an additional time if the user attacks first.

Vs. Undead

Vs. Humanoid

100% Hit Chance 


Rapidly strikes at the enemy 1-2 times, dealing 197 Critter damage per hit.


Hits an additional time if the user attacks first.

Vs. Undead

Vs. Humanoid

100% Hit Chance 


Deals 295 Beast damage plus 197 additional damage if the user attacks first.

Vs. Critter

Vs. Flying
Horn Attack
Horn Attack
1 Round Cooldown

100% Hit Chance 


Deals 394 Beast damage.


If the user is faster than the target, they have a 50% chance to be trampled and lose their turn.

Vs. Critter

Vs. Flying
Interrupting Jolt
Interrupting Jolt
4 Round Cooldown

100% Hit Chance 


Deals 394 Mechanical damage.


Interrupts the opponent's round if the user goes first.

Vs. Beast

Vs. Elemental

100% Hit Chance 


Lashes the enemy 1-2 times, dealing 197 Elemental damage per lash.


Hits an additional time if the user attacks first.

Vs. Mechanical

Vs. Critter
2 Round Cooldown

100% Hit Chance 


Scurry up and nibble at the enemy, dealing 197 Critter damage and stunning the opponent if the user goes first.

Vs. Undead

Vs. Humanoid
Paralyzing Venom
Paralyzing Venom
3 Round Cooldown

100% Hit Chance 


Deals 295 Beast damage.


Interrupts the opponent's round if the user goes first.

Vs. Critter

Vs. Flying

100% Hit Chance 


Pounces the enemy, dealing 334 Beast damage plus 157 Beast damage if the user strikes first.

Vs. Critter

Vs. Flying

100% Hit Chance 


Flings 1-2 Quills at the enemy, dealing 197 Flying damage per hit.


Hits an additional time if the user attacks first.

Vs. Aquatic

Vs. Dragonkin

100% Hit Chance 


Lashes the enemy 1-2 times, dealing 197 Beast damage per lash.


Attacks an additional time if the user attacks first.

Vs. Critter

Vs. Flying

100% Hit Chance 


Scratch wildly, dealing 354 Critter damage, or 492 Critter damage if the user strikes first.

Vs. Undead

Vs. Humanoid

100% Hit Chance 


Initiates smacking protocol, dealing 334 Mechanical damage plus 157 Mechanical damage if the user surprises the target by attacking first.

Vs. Beast

Vs. Elemental

100% Hit Chance 


Fires a spark 1-2 times, dealing 197 Elemental damage per hit.


Hits an additional time if the user attacks first.

Vs. Mechanical

Vs. Critter

100% Hit Chance 


Wildly flails at the enemy 1-2 times, dealing 197 Beast damage per hit.


Hits an additional time if the user attacks first.

Vs. Critter

Vs. Flying
Tongue Lash
Tongue Lash

100% Hit Chance 


Licks the enemy 1-2 times, dealing 197 Critter damage per hit.


Hits an additional time if the user attacks first.

Vs. Undead

Vs. Humanoid
U-238 Rounds
U-238 Rounds

100% Hit Chance 


Fires 1-2 Uranium rounds at the target, dealing 197 Mechanical damage per attack.


Fires an additional time if the user attacks first.

Vs. Beast

Vs. Elemental
1-25 of 25
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