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17 abilities total. Also browse abilities by family.

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1-17 of 17
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Beaver Dam
Beaver Dam
5 Round Cooldown

Creates a wooden dam that blocks two attacks. Both enemy and allied attacks will be blocked.

8 Round Cooldown

A bubble surrounds you, blocking the next two attacks.

Cocoon Strike
Cocoon Strike
3 Round Cooldown

100% Hit Chance 


Deals 197 Flying damage and increases your chance to block an attack by 100%.


Lasts 1 round.

Vs. Aquatic

Vs. Dragonkin
8 Round Cooldown

Creates a wooden decoy that protects your team from two attacks.

Deep Research
Deep Research
5 Round Cooldown

Books swirl around you, blocking the next two attacks. The user must spend 1 round researching afterwards.


While researching, you cannot perform any other actions.

Ice Barrier
Ice Barrier
5 Round Cooldown

Creates an ice wall that blocks two attacks. Allied and enemy attacks both count.

Illusionary Barrier
Illusionary Barrier
5 Round Cooldown

Creates an illusion that blocks two attacks. Allied and enemy attacks both count.

Jade Barrier
Jade Barrier
5 Round Cooldown

Creates a jade wall that blocks two attacks. Allied and enemy attacks both count.

Mummy Wrap
Mummy Wrap
3 Round Cooldown

100% Hit Chance 


Deals 197 Undead damage and increases your chance to block an attack by 100%.


Lasts 1 round.

Onyx Wall
Onyx Wall
5 Round Cooldown

Creates a stone wall that prevents your team from attacking, but protects your team from 2 attacks.

Prismatic Barrier
Prismatic Barrier
5 Round Cooldown

Creates a crystal wall that blocks two attacks. Allied and enemy attacks both count.

6 Round Cooldown

A natural shield surrounds the user and each friendly critter, blocking the next attack they would take. Lasts 6 rounds.

Shell Fortress
Shell Fortress
6 Round Cooldown

Draws upon the power of the user's shell to defend against all attacks for the current round and the next round. User cannot act while projecting the shield.


This ability always goes first.

Shield Block
Shield Block
3 Round Cooldown

A shield surrounds you, blocking the next attack.

6 Round Cooldown

A magic shield surrounds each friendly pet, blocking the next attack they would take. Lasts 8 rounds.

Soul Ward
Soul Ward
3 Round Cooldown

A ward of powerful magic surrounds you, blocking the next attack.

Weald Wall
Weald Wall
5 Round Cooldown

Creates a wooden dam that blocks two attacks. Both enemy and allied attacks will be blocked.

1-17 of 17
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