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Re: (US) The Official DO NOT TRADE List

Posted: April 18th, 2014, 8:52 pm
by Opallena
It's the sheer rarity of the pets. People see those pets and heads turn, whether or not they're striking in appearance. Having them in your collection is like a "status symbol" of sorts in the pet collecting community.

Re: (US) The Official DO NOT TRADE List

Posted: May 27th, 2014, 1:10 pm
by Fluffybunz
Jabart wrote:The Do Not Trade List seems like a great idea. Not sure how many people noticed that thread attempting to trade a Mini Tyrael recently... I saw two posts backing up the seller as legit; both theses posters had one post total, and had just joined the forum that day. Slightly suspicious. Reasonable chance this list saved someone in this community from getting scammed big time.
I know this post is 6 months old but It looks like that thread was mine, and the people who vouched were very real. I'm well known on the official WoW forums for being the go to guy for all things TCG/Blizzcon/CE related. However, it's obvious that means nothing here.

At that time I had no idea Tyrael, Murky, and the Vanilla CE were on a "no trade list". However, because of that post, even though it was locked but not deleted, I managed to find someone here (Mystical) to buy the pet for in-game gold. Although my ignorance resulted in a successful trade, I would like to apologize for breaking the rules you have set.

Now I know this is going to be an unpopular opinion, especially since it's coming from me... someone who is just a lurker on these forums and really contributes nothing. I feel like this no trade list is a double edged sword, even though it prevents people from being scammed, it also prevents reputable and well - known sellers/buyers from being able to trade/advertise on one of the biggest World of Warcraft pet websites.

It would be nice if there was some sort of list of reputable/trustworthy sellers/buyers that were exempt from the no trade list pets. It's tough for buyers to find people they can trust without a doubt, and it's tough for sellers like myself to find prospective customers when there is no way to advertise.

Re: (US) The Official DO NOT TRADE List

Posted: May 28th, 2014, 11:22 am
by Mystical
That seems to be a great idea, to have a list of trustworthy people.. Buyers and sellers..

When I saw that Fluffy from the official wow forum, was the one selling a Mini Tyrael,I told it to my boyfriend, who gave me all his gold to buy the pet xD (thanks baby, I love you :3) And now I have a pet that I never thought I would have when I started to post in this forums, and started my collection..

Now, the only pets that I'm missing are the vanilla CE pets, and Murky; but for me is impossible to buy with real life money, and with this restriction here, is difficult to find sellers who are willing to take gold or pets..

Re: (US) The Official DO NOT TRADE List

Posted: May 28th, 2014, 4:09 pm
by Faelar
I can understand the desire to have a list of trustworthy people but when it comes to pets with the value that is so high it is just not a good idea to do so. And while some people may view people as super trustworthy there are people that would claim that is not the case where it becomes a case of he said she said in trying to prove things. That is why the trades are more limited into reasonable areas where the risk of getting ripped off is lower and you aren't losing a million gold or more in a trade.

Re: (US) The Official DO NOT TRADE List

Posted: May 30th, 2014, 12:37 pm
by Presto
A skeptical person might view your post as a pretty clever 6-month *bump* to let everyone know you can provide DO NOT TRADE pets.

Re: (US) The Official DO NOT TRADE List

Posted: May 30th, 2014, 2:39 pm
by Allandel
I currently own 4 of those 5 pets. Only missing murky "like almost everyone else lol" I'd never trade them for the world. No trade list is a good concept in theory. But seeing as though reputable sellers still want to trade on this site. There should be some strict guidelines just so there's hope I may get murky one day :).

Re: (US) The Official DO NOT TRADE List

Posted: May 30th, 2014, 4:23 pm
by Fluffybunz
Presto wrote:A skeptical person might view your post as a pretty clever 6-month *bump* to let everyone know you can provide DO NOT TRADE pets.
The one from 6 months ago was sold to Mystical. However, you're more than welcome to interpret that post in whichever way you would like. =)

Re: (US) The Official DO NOT TRADE List

Posted: May 30th, 2014, 5:04 pm
by Faelar
Yeah we all know what the post was and Presto nailed it. That is why they had to edit your original post because you tried to pull that crap again.

Re: (US) The Official DO NOT TRADE List

Posted: October 25th, 2014, 10:51 pm
by Zanderr
You can't trade CE pets any way. So why would there be issues trying to trade them? I'm just glad I have 3 out of 5 rarest pets :)

Re: (US) The Official DO NOT TRADE List

Posted: October 26th, 2014, 1:32 am
by Wakamaru
Zanderr wrote:You can't trade CE pets any way. So why would there be issues trying to trade them? I'm just glad I have 3 out of 5 rarest pets :)
You can't trade the pets themselves, but the codes to get them could be traded. That's why they made it on to the list :)

Re: (US) The Official DO NOT TRADE List

Posted: November 10th, 2014, 2:48 am
by Flawedhero
To add on to some of the arguments against a "trusted trader" list and unbanning the selling of the previously mentioned pets, I used to frequent a website known for trading/selling TCG cards (not just loot) and on the forums I was trading an Amani Dragonhawk with a "trusted seller" who took my card code and ran.

It was made known in the coming weeks that he had decided to screw over as many people as possible in a very short window, pack up and leave the site. So, while a list like this may be a good thing for some, it opens the doors for the long con and some serious scamming.

Re: (US) The Official DO NOT TRADE List

Posted: September 21st, 2017, 7:34 am
by Brewhemoth
I agree with the stance against trading the pets in the OP. While a 'safe trader' list is nice, its safer for everyone just to keep those pets off the table.

Even with the safe trader list approach, there is always some % of chance that something bad will happen when trading these pets. When using our handy dandy 'do not trade' list, there's a 0% chance that the trading of those pets goes wrong. I'd prefer the current method to keep everyone safer in their trading.