Unlisted WoW Companions
This page catalogs the pets that are NOT LISTED on WarcraftPets. Some have not been implemented in-game; others are not true companions.
Datamined companions shown with the ► symbol are very likely to be released in the future. Those without this symbol are unconfirmed and may never make it in-game. Updates to this list are indicated in italics.
Last update: December 10, 2024
Datamined from 11.0.7 PTR
► Battleboar Piglet - Wild
- Zone: Siren Isle
► Cave Kroling - Wild
- Zone: Siren Isle
► Cliffreach Cub - Wild
- Zone: Siren Isle
► Crackleroar - Drop
- Drops from: Stormtouched Pridetalon
- Zone: Siren Isle
- Fullbelly Rollingpaw - Trading Post
- Costs: 350 Tender
- not listed in Pet Journal
- Grunch - Drop
- Quest: You're A Mean One...
- World Event: Winter Veil
- not listed in Pet Journal
- Living Rose - Vendor
- World Event: Love Is In the Air
- Costs: 40 Love Tokens
- not listed in Pet Journal
► Marmaduke - Quest
- Reward from: Homeward Bound to Safer Shores
- Zone: Siren Isle
- not cageable
- Mech-Friend Maya - Store
- In-Game Shop
- not listed in Pet Journal
► Parley - Vendor
- Sold from: Plunderstore
- Costs: 2000 Pluder
- World Event: Plunderstorm
- not listed in Pet Journal
► Pillaged Parrot - Wild
- Zone: Siren Isle
- Portentous Present - Unknown
- World Event: Winter Veil
- not listed in Pet Journal
► Proper Parrot - Drop
- Drops from: Pirates
- Zone: Siren Isle
- Previously datamined 8.1 PTR
- Originally from quest 'Be More Uniform'
- Razeshi B. - Promotion
- not listed in Pet Journal
- Rock Hound Mica - Vendor
- Zone: Siren Isle
- Costs ??
- not cageable
- not listed in Pet Journal
► Rusty Kroling - Wild
- Zone: Siren Isle
► Scavenging Snapdragon - Wild
- Zone: Siren Isle, Seafury Tempest
► Skitterbite - Vendor
- Sold by: Soweezi
- Costs: 750 Flame-Blessed Iron
- Zone: Siren Isle
► Snapdragon Pup - Wild
- Zone: Siren Isle
► Sparklesnap - Vendor
- Sold from: Plunderstore
- Costs: 2000 Pluder
- World Event: Plunderstorm
- not listed in Pet Journal
► Storminfused Snapdragon - Wild
- Zone: Siren Isle, Seafury Tempest
- Teatuft Tamer - Trading Post
- Costs: 350 Tender
- not listed in Pet Journal
► Tidal Kroling - Wild
- Zone: Siren Isle
- Titan Orb - Unknown
- Zone: Siren Isle
- not listed in Pet Journal
- Wind-Up Woofer - Trading Post
- Costs 300 Tender
- not listed in Pet Journal
- Wind-Up Wuffi - Trading Post
- Costs 300 Tender
- not listed in Pet Journal
Datamined from The War Within Alpha/Beta
- Anub'Rekyute - Unknown
- Not listed in Pet Journal
- Argos - Unknown
- Not listed in Pet Journal
- Burntram - Unknown
- Not listed in Pet Journal
- Charismatic Courier - Unknown
- Not listed in Pet Journal
- Clay Stonecharger - Unknown
- Not listed in Pet Journal
- Cobalt Mosswool - Unknown
- Not listed in Pet Journal
- Frenzied Bloodtick - Unknown
- Not listed in Pet Journal
- Green Stagshell - Unknown
- Not listed in Pet Journal
- Moss Skipper - Unknown
- Not listed in Pet Journal
- Redthroat Skipling - Unknown
- Not listed in Pet Journal
- Sceaduthax - Unknown
- Not listed in Pet Journal
- Tan Stagshell - Unknown
- Not listed in Pet Journal
- Waddles - Unknown
- Not listed in Pet Journal
- Webbers - Unknown
- Not listed in Pet Journal
Datamined from 10.2.7 PTR
- Lil' Manny - Unknown
- Not listed in Pet Journal
Datamined from 10.2.5 PTR
- Beetriz - Trading Post
- Not listed in Pet Journal
- Heartseeker Mana Ray - Unknown
- Not listed in Pet Journal
Datamined from 10.1 PTR
- Amador - Unknown
- Not listed in Pet Journal
- Azure Swoglet - Unknown
- Not listed in Pet Journal
- Bronze Swoglet - Unknown
- Not listed in Pet Journal
- Byrn - Unknown
- Not listed in Pet Journal
- Dread Shalewing - Unknown
- Not listed in Pet Journal
- Emerald Swoglet - Unknown
- Not listed in Pet Journal
- Jade Skitterbug - Unknown
- Not listed in Pet Journal
- Jerrie - Unknown
- Not listed in Pet Journal
- Kromos - Unknown
- Not listed in Pet Journal
- Lettuce - Unknown
- Not listed in Pet Journal
- Ravenous Shalewing - Unknown
- Not listed in Pet Journal
- Roseshell - Unknown
- Not listed in Pet Journal
- Rusty - Unknown
- Not listed in Pet Journal
- Savage Lobstrok - Unknown
- Not listed in Pet Journal
- Senega - Unknown
- Not listed in Pet Journal
- Shalewing Devourer - Unknown
- Not listed in Pet Journal
- Snapjaw Lurker - Unknown
- Not listed in Pet Journal
- Void Lurker - Unknown
- Not listed in Pet Journal
Datamined from 10.0.5 PTR
- Lil' Maka'jin - Trading Post
Datamined from Dragonflight Alpha & Beta
- Groundshaker - Unknown
- Pink Salamanther - Unknown
- Striped Snakebiter - Unknown
- Time-Lost Duck - Unknown
- Time-Lost Duckling - Unknown
- Time-Lost Slyvern - Unknown
- Time-Lost Treeflitter - Unknown
- Time-Lost Crab - Unknown
Datamined from 9.1.5 PTR
- Trub'ul - Unknown
- Previously named Trouble
- No longer listed in the Pet Journal (both live and PTR)
Datamined from 8.2 PTR
- Golden Cricket - Unknown
- Currently not listed in Pet Journal
- Bind On Pick Up
Datamined from Patch 7.3 PTR
- Golden Retriever - Unknown
- "Drop: PH"
- Currently not listed in Pet Journal
Datamined from Legion Alpha
- Son of Goredome - Drop
- Drops from Son of Goredome
- Zone: Stormheim
- Bind on Pick Up
- As of Beta no longer in Pet Journal
Datamined from Warlords of Draenor Alpha/Beta
- Kelp Sproutling - Unknown
- Bind on Use
- Runtish Gronnling - Unknown
- "Your Attitude"
- Sassy Sproutling - Unknown
- Bind on Use
The following list of companions were datamined and may become available to players in the future.
Unavailable to Players
The following list of companions were datamined and found to be unavailable to players.
- Crafty
- Eat the Egg taught by [Hardboiled Egg]
- Lil' ALexstrasza
- Loggerhead Snapjaw taught by [Turtle Egg (Loggerhead)]
- XS-001 Constructor Bot
Not True Companions
The following list of companion/items includes those which are not true vanity pets. We only list the most commonly mistaken entities — this is not a complete list.
- Blood Parrot taught by [Bloodsail Admiral's Hat]
- Coyote Spirit taught by [Don Carlos' Famous Hat]
- Haunted Memento